I'm officially on drugs now. Some shit called Amlodipine that may or may not give me cankles. As you can imagine, I am not very excited about this. The reason that I have to pop a pill every day is because a month ago my blood pressure was 160/120 which, for those of you scoring at home, is high as fuck. Monday, my doctor had me in to make sure the first check was no anomaly. This time my blood pressure was 180/110 which prompted an "Oh my goodness" from my nurse. So what I'm saying is, I have high blood pressure. What sucks about this development is that it is usually reserved for people that are overweight. While I am carrying an old man pudge of a belly, I am 6 foot (6' 3" when leaving Family Dollar on State Ave) and 185 pounds of cut muscle. Did I mention I was hot? Never mind that because hypertention has it's probz. This is terrible for several reasons. First and foremost, It could cause my dick to stop working in the next de...
Random Bloggings From a Random Black man.