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Showing posts from November, 2012

Being Thankful

I'm thankful for all of the regular things that grownups are thankful for.  I love my wife and family and food and blah, blah, blah.  Only a jerk wouldn't be thankful for those things.  Here are some smaller things that I also find delightful. Global Warming:  It's the day before Thanksgiving and it is 70 freaking degrees in Kansas City.  I know it really tore up the East Coast but I live in Kansas City.  Last winter it was like 50 degrees all winter.  Instead of shoveling snow, people were raking leaves in January. Those victorious pregnancy scares:  Let's just say I wasn't a virgin when I got married and there have been some close calls.  I'm thankful for all those times that I was dating a girl on her period.  Kept me off of Maury Liner Notes:  I love to get a new CD and open up the liner to see all the lyrics and pictures inside.  They give an album a complete feel and with today's single oriented music market, we mig...

Alcohol is great...usually

People that know me, know that I like to have a drink from time to time.  Jose Cuervo is my favorite but I'll drink just about anything.  That being said, sometimes drinking doesn't go well. I've never done anything like getting arrested or getting anyone pregnant while under the influence, but there have been quite a few unfortunate incidents. My fist really bad drinking experience was when I had a few too many and got stuck on the toilet in the Burge Union during a party at KU.  In my defense, this was back when I was taking shots of Bacardi 151 to the head like a champ.  I lived literally across the street from the party so I thought I would be fine.  Me and my girlfriend were "pre-partying" at the crib and having a great time...then I took that one shot for the road, knowing that there would be no drinks at this party.  I got to the door, walking perfectly fine.  By the time we got inside the party, around 11:00, my stomach felt like it was goi...

Rich People, You're Welcome.

I'm tired of the election mess too, so bear with me.  Hopefully this will be the last time I write about something political for a while but I had to touch on this one. Donald Trump watched the election with the rest of the country but unlike the rest of us, he flipped the fuck out... I mean even more than before. The Donald concluded that America was over and that we needed a revolution because we democratically elected President Obama and nobody even bothered to steal Florida. The problem was that Trump neglected to see that a status quo election is an election that keeps the rich getting paid at the same ridiculous rate that they have been for centuries.  A real problem would have been if Romney would have won. Corporate America is the power behind the throne.  The second it decides to take the throne, all of their dirt becomes public and people might realize what kind of monster we are dealing with. If Mitt would have won, it would have been a victory for su...

Election Night!!!

I sat at home and watched the election.  That was good because I would have probably been a distraction to anyone around me.  Just in case you are wondering what was going through my head, I wrote it down for ya.  Enjoy!!! 7:15 and the polls are closing I should preface this blog by saying that I don’t know why anyone voted for Mitt Romney.   He doesn’t have much of a position on nearly anything but here we go.   The southern states have all been called for Romney already and it isn’t much of a surprise to anyone.   There’s something about the south that the GOP has locked in.   It would be good for the Democrats to learn that kind of dedication.   Then again, an unthinking electorate can be a dangerous thing.   The one thing that has saved the American people is that we have prevented ourselves from ideologues.   I’m watching this unfold on PBS.   I would watch network stations, I’ll probably do a lot of channel fl...

This should be fun

We have almost made it to the end of another election season, thank God.  This one was another one for the ages.  We got to see Mitt Romney go from beating Barack at a debate to getting beat by Barack at a debate to being Barack at a debate. We got to see attack ads gone wild which once again made me think that none of these people belong in government.  We even got to see another Black man completely embarass himself during the Republican Primaries. Here are a few things I have taken away from this dismal display of democracy over the last few months. 1)  Americans are stupid.  Apparently attack ads actually work.  The only reason politicians pay for them is that some people actually believe them.  Seriously, no politician is coming to kill you or take your wife or your job or your gun.  Sure, they'll take your donation so they can lie to you even more over ads but only idiots would do that right?  Wrong. 2)  The rich are shamel...