I sat at home and watched the election. That was good because I would have probably been a distraction to anyone around me. Just in case you are wondering what was going through my head, I wrote it down for ya. Enjoy!!!
7:24 and Todd Akin is still in the race.
T odd Akin is a flipping idiot. He is the Republican Candidate for senate
that seems like he stopped learning in the 1950s. He thinks vaginas can kill sperm after a “legitimate
rape”, social security should be illegal and that student loans lead to
socialism… and people are still voting for this fool. So shameful.
The President is looking very strong right now. The Florida race is very tight and
statistically, it’s 50/50. Mitt is still
leading in the popular vote which sort of concerns me. There were a lot of conservatives that acted
a fucking fool the day after. There was
no rioting but the workplace was tough to bear for me the day after Barack won
last time. It was two weeks before I
could get some of the White people at the bank to look me in the eye. With today’s polarization, it could be really
unfriendly out there tomorrow. Be
careful out there, a’ll.
9:10 Linda McMahon has spent $100 million trying to win a
senate seat and she still lost. Who the
fuck was she paying?
9:15 If Scott Pelley comes on one more time and says that
another state is “leaning”, I’m going to have to call this fool and cuss his
ass out. “Leaning” is not breaking news. It is a lack of breaking news.
Manny Cleaver just celebrated his win to go to the House
of Representatives and Claire McCaskill is headed to the senate. There are several people waving beers at
Claire McCaskill’s party. I think I like
her a little more.
10:28 That fool Romney really had me scared. He had a lot of momentum leading up to the election, even though he was getting buried before the first debate. Turns out the President put it on him just like we all thought he would back in February. It makes me think that the media machine doesn’t have the kind of power that I once thought.
11:55 and Mittens finally takes the stage. He still looks like a robot and for the first
time his tie is actually crooked. He
talks a good bi-partisan game like he completely forgot about the republican
primaries. At the end he and Paul Ryan’s
families hit the stage and they couldn’t look whiter. They are all dressed in blacks and
beiges. I feel a little sorry for them
because they have that “My dreams just died.” Looks in their eyes but hey, they
were about to drive the country into the ground so I can’t empathize too much.
12:16 They are playing Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together”
at Obama’s rally but he still hasn’t shown.
I think if he would have lead a sing-a-long it would have been more
effective than any speech.
12:35 and Barack takes the stage, ladies in tote. Barack’s oldest is tall as hell; Sasha I think her name is. It’s funny to think that she’ll be almost grown when he leaves the Whitehouse. The chant of “four more years is inspiring”. You can tell that Barack has his mojo back. He’s speaking with the sort of vigor he had in 2004 at the DNC. Barack sounds a little Clinton-like in his cadence. The energy that I thought that would never return is there, both in the President and the crowd. I wasn’t expecting a whole hell of lot from this speech but I was wrong. Barack out there killing it, Clinton style.
1:00 and the longest night in America is apparently
over. I’m a little worried that I’ll
wake up in the morning and Mitt will somehow have weaseled into the
presidency. I hope not. Tonight, I can go to bed happy.
7:15 and the polls are closing
I should preface this blog by saying that I don’t know
why anyone voted for Mitt Romney. He
doesn’t have much of a position on nearly anything but here we go. The southern states have all been called for
Romney already and it isn’t much of a surprise to anyone. There’s something about the south that the GOP
has locked in. It would be good for the
Democrats to learn that kind of dedication.
Then again, an unthinking electorate can be a dangerous thing. The one thing that has saved the American
people is that we have prevented ourselves from ideologues.
I’m watching this unfold on PBS. I would watch network stations, I’ll probably
do a lot of channel flipping, but sometimes the PBS people are a little more educated
on the issues so I’ll stick with them.
7:31 Mitt 82 – Barack 79
Early in the game and people are talking about New
Jersey, which just went to the President.
Someone brought up the bipartisanship that Gov. Christie and President
Obama showed after hurricane Sandy and how Mitt changed his message full circle
from being “deeply conservative” to “reaching across the aisle”. It is just another example of Mitt saying
what people want to hear. It does make
me wonder what exactly his agenda will be.
7:44 I’ll stick
with it but I’m really itching to play this ‘Halo 4’ I just bought
We need some younger Black people talking politics. My facebook friends are proof that we pay attention
to politics but the only Black person on TV that talks politics that isn’t a
member of the AARP is Soledad O’Brien and people don’t even think she’s Black.
I’m also avoiding twitter. There are apparently a lot of Uncle Toms on
twitter. I really, REALLY don’t like
Uncle Toms. What makes an Uncle Tom, you
ask? You see, there are Black people
that seriously understand the issues and side with the Republican Party. Those people are not Uncle Toms. Unfortunately there are other Black People
that just don’t want to be associated with mainstream Black America and they
find trumpeting the Republican agenda as a way of not being labeled regular
negroes. That willingness to not
associate themselves with blackness is the mark of a boot licking Uncle Tom.
7:54 Ya know,
there’s still too many old White guys in politics… that is all.
8:38 and Obama has it tied up
8:42 Get em,
Elizabeth Warren!!!! Why do I care about
the senatorial race in Mass.? I don’t, I’ve
just been watching too much national news.
8:47 Todd Akin is projected to lose. Well, Missouri, you’re not all that stupid.
8:48 The President is looking strong now. He’s leading in 3 battleground states and
Mitt is looking weak. The just showed a
picture of Romney watching the results.
He didn’t look too confident.
There are still in line to vote in Virginia? That is just nuts. Their ballots should have been closed for 2
hours and they still aren’t done? This
election has shenanigans written all over it.
9:14 They should have had Super Bowl style commercials
today. You know everyone is watching
this shit. You know CBS is missing all
that political add money, too.
9:31 Opened my third Heineken and this election coverage
is start to turn into storm coverage.
This would be about the time I start cussing at the weatherman saying “Yes,
I know it is raining. Get back to the
Bob Shieffer acknowledges that you just can’t win without
Hispanic voters. Way to not get
intimidated my Latino friends. We’re
going to get you guys a President really soon.
No I don’t mean Marco Rubio!!!!
9:38 This fool Romney is still winning in the popular
vote!? If my people didn’t work so hard
to get the right the vote in the south, I’d start working to take their voting
rights away.
9:58 There hasn’t been any real news in 20 minutes so a
few people have kicked around the staggering amounts of money that people have
spent on the elections. It’s just plain
10:02 They just showed shots of the campaign watch
parties and Obama’s, in Chicago, was hype. Mitt Romney’s… not so much.
10:14 Rahm Emanuel makes the touchdown sign as CNN
projects that the President has one. I’m
not going to lie, I have goosebumps.
Ohio has just been called but the margin is under 100,000
and 70% in. How the hell do you call it
so early?
10:28 That fool Romney really had me scared. He had a lot of momentum leading up to the election, even though he was getting buried before the first debate. Turns out the President put it on him just like we all thought he would back in February. It makes me think that the media machine doesn’t have the kind of power that I once thought.
11:09 I’m wondering where Black republicans are going to
go now. If anybody was energized about
Romney/Ryan it was the Uncle Tom caucus.
I know that all black republicans aren’t Uncle Toms but quite a few of
them are and without another Black man slated to hit the ballot for a long
time, what are they going to do.
Criticizing everything that the president does has become a little cliché. I wonder how they will avoid being
marginalized now? I really hope it isn’t
immigration. Degrading people that cross
over an imaginary line and treating them as second class citizens is something
you’d thing black folks would all be against.
11:48 and Mitt still hasn’t made his concession speech. Nobody is sure why. I really think he’s going to cry. I might enjoy that.
12:35 and Barack takes the stage, ladies in tote. Barack’s oldest is tall as hell; Sasha I think her name is. It’s funny to think that she’ll be almost grown when he leaves the Whitehouse. The chant of “four more years is inspiring”. You can tell that Barack has his mojo back. He’s speaking with the sort of vigor he had in 2004 at the DNC. Barack sounds a little Clinton-like in his cadence. The energy that I thought that would never return is there, both in the President and the crowd. I wasn’t expecting a whole hell of lot from this speech but I was wrong. Barack out there killing it, Clinton style.
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