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This should be fun

We have almost made it to the end of another election season, thank God.  This one was another one for the ages.  We got to see Mitt Romney go from beating Barack at a debate to getting beat by Barack at a debate to being Barack at a debate.

We got to see attack ads gone wild which once again made me think that none of these people belong in government.  We even got to see another Black man completely embarass himself during the Republican Primaries.

Here are a few things I have taken away from this dismal display of democracy over the last few months.

1)  Americans are stupid.  Apparently attack ads actually work.  The only reason politicians pay for them is that some people actually believe them.  Seriously, no politician is coming to kill you or take your wife or your job or your gun.  Sure, they'll take your donation so they can lie to you even more over ads but only idiots would do that right?  Wrong.

2)  The rich are shameless.  We can spend a billion dollars on campaign ads while we continually point fingers about who causes poverty in America?  Give me a break.

3)  Mother nature is only a mild nuisance when it comes to American politics.  In reply to Snooki's baby, God decided to drown New Jersey.  His old Testament style heavy handedness stopped the campaigns for all of 3 days.  170 or so people died and now... hardly  even news.

4)  Religious ideologues still have way too much power.  If I have to hear another old white man say that a baby that comes from rape is God's will, I'm going to go Fleece Johnson on one of their asses.  Ok, maybe not but I'll pay somebody else to get the point across.  I digress.  The amount of complete bull shit that comes out of the religious right is astounding yet they still have power in the government.  Think about it.  It is the year 2012 and we are still arguing reproductive rights like this is 1940s Alabama.

5)  Ron Paul isn't as crazy as the alternative.  Ron wants to move to the Gold Standard and implode the entire global economy, which is fucking ridiculous.  Mitt Romney thinks that cutting revenue by 5 billion dollars and increasing spending by 2 could balance the budget... and people believe him (See point number 1).  At least Ron had a plan and didn't simply conclude that it will end in 12 million jobs.

6)  America is a deeply divided place.  I blame this on the media for overplaying our differences in philosophy over decisions we don't even take part in.  The candidates are also to blame for playing in to it.  I don't know why so many people are concerned with Libya when I guarantee you that no more than 30% of Americans can find it on a map.  Most people can't find Afghanistan and we have been at war there for over a decade. (See point number 1)

There is a lot more of course but for now, like the rest of America I'm going to go vote and dink and wait for the apocalypse.  It has been nice blogging to you all during these last days.  Peace and Light to you all.  - Cogito


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