I only have one fear that has lasted the last 20 years of my life. That is losing my mind. I don't mean excessive drinking or getting some bad weed at a Redman concert. I worry that I might go the kind of crazy that the only thing left to do is dope me up and sit me in a corner. This is a possible reality for me. I've been involved in some very public freak outs before. So far, everything has snapped back in place with only one run in with the law. Luckily that only ended me in County Jail for the weekend, not in the loony bin. I don't fear insane asylums as places, either. I know some people think they are scary because of all the medieval torture scenes they've seen in movies but that wouldn't be the worst part for me. It would be the inability to communicate. Worse yet, I'm afraid that I'll lose my will to communicate. You have to find yourself in a lot of darkness to be too tired to attempt your own voice. ...
Random Bloggings From a Random Black man.