Relax, I'm not calling you gay. Unless, you're gay. Then I''m calling you gay.... Okay let's move on.
So Gilbert Arenas went on Instagram the other day to shame the WNBA for not looking like the lingerie football league (or Legends Football League, as it is officially named). I usually would dismiss the ravings of a single dumb nigga but I couldn't because while driving home, I was at the end of the Atmosphere album and I had to turn on the radio.
This is a problem because the radio was on the D.L. Hughley show. D.L. got himself in to hot water a couple of years ago for basically agreeing with the "nappy headed hoes" remark from the Don Imus show. Of course, D.L. completely agreed with Gilbert. Ugh, so much sexist, racist shit to cover but let's sally forth.
The pattern here is that these women are mostly Black, all strong, and none are there for the sexual consumption of men. What do men of all colors do when confronted with this? We shit all over them. Now, I'm no stranger to shitting on strangers. Hell, I'm going to shit on D.L. and Gilbert in a minute but unlike the women that dared to want to compete in the most beautiful game ever made, these niggas are asking for it.
The human body is a beautiful thing. The spirits locked inside said bodies, too, are inherently and uncategorically beautiful. Yet because of our notions that women should only behave in manners that attract straight men, we feel free to bash female athletes.
People even have the nerve to bash this lady:

I KNOW!!!!
Now, let's look deeper. "Nappy headed hoes" was not directed at the several White players of the Rutgers basketball team. We can all agree on that. Also, the women of the WNBA are pretty diverse, actually. That being said, I don't think Gilbert Arenas was referring to Rebecca Lobo

or Elena Delle Donne

with #DonkeyKong. I mean, what crazy person would associate a WHITE woman with a monkey, am I right? Well, who was that hashtag meant for?
You guessed it, Black women. As far as Serena goes, she may be the Blackest person in sports and I don't mean skin tone. She has made a fortune demoralizing White women and takes pictures like the one above. Need I say more?
So what's with the hatred. You could probably use words like "preference" or "conditioning" with your answer but the fact is that people feel free to denigrate Black women because White people always have.
In our undying quest to be just like White men, niggas started doing the same shit and it may be the most corrosive part of contemporary Black America.
Gilbert Arenas is a man with a such a chip on his shoulder that he wore the number '0' because everyone called him a zero before he blew up (for 3 seasons) and tricked off his career by playing with guns in the locker room. Now, out of the league, more for his poor decisions off the court than on, he feels the need to trash Black, female pro athletes.
D.L. Hughley, is a funny man. This is nice because he's also little. Unfortunately he has the same problem a lot of little niggas have; he doesn't know when to shut up. When faced with a chance to talk about some women that could kick his little ass, he came back with "You're ugly and probably gay." Real smooth....
The heart of the matter with men like these is that they are just so insecure in their manhood that they feel the need to trash women that are bigger, stronger and faster; physically speaking, better human beings. When your only claim to manliness is physical superiority, what do you do about such women? Proclaim them undesirable. It's sad really.
To the guys that will argue this with me, you're free to be wrong. Just look inside yourself, think real hard and realize that these women aren't unattractive. It's just your little dick again.
So Gilbert Arenas went on Instagram the other day to shame the WNBA for not looking like the lingerie football league (or Legends Football League, as it is officially named). I usually would dismiss the ravings of a single dumb nigga but I couldn't because while driving home, I was at the end of the Atmosphere album and I had to turn on the radio.
This is a problem because the radio was on the D.L. Hughley show. D.L. got himself in to hot water a couple of years ago for basically agreeing with the "nappy headed hoes" remark from the Don Imus show. Of course, D.L. completely agreed with Gilbert. Ugh, so much sexist, racist shit to cover but let's sally forth.
The pattern here is that these women are mostly Black, all strong, and none are there for the sexual consumption of men. What do men of all colors do when confronted with this? We shit all over them. Now, I'm no stranger to shitting on strangers. Hell, I'm going to shit on D.L. and Gilbert in a minute but unlike the women that dared to want to compete in the most beautiful game ever made, these niggas are asking for it.
The human body is a beautiful thing. The spirits locked inside said bodies, too, are inherently and uncategorically beautiful. Yet because of our notions that women should only behave in manners that attract straight men, we feel free to bash female athletes.
People even have the nerve to bash this lady:
I KNOW!!!!
Now, let's look deeper. "Nappy headed hoes" was not directed at the several White players of the Rutgers basketball team. We can all agree on that. Also, the women of the WNBA are pretty diverse, actually. That being said, I don't think Gilbert Arenas was referring to Rebecca Lobo
or Elena Delle Donne
with #DonkeyKong. I mean, what crazy person would associate a WHITE woman with a monkey, am I right? Well, who was that hashtag meant for?
You guessed it, Black women. As far as Serena goes, she may be the Blackest person in sports and I don't mean skin tone. She has made a fortune demoralizing White women and takes pictures like the one above. Need I say more?
So what's with the hatred. You could probably use words like "preference" or "conditioning" with your answer but the fact is that people feel free to denigrate Black women because White people always have.
In our undying quest to be just like White men, niggas started doing the same shit and it may be the most corrosive part of contemporary Black America.
Gilbert Arenas is a man with a such a chip on his shoulder that he wore the number '0' because everyone called him a zero before he blew up (for 3 seasons) and tricked off his career by playing with guns in the locker room. Now, out of the league, more for his poor decisions off the court than on, he feels the need to trash Black, female pro athletes.
D.L. Hughley, is a funny man. This is nice because he's also little. Unfortunately he has the same problem a lot of little niggas have; he doesn't know when to shut up. When faced with a chance to talk about some women that could kick his little ass, he came back with "You're ugly and probably gay." Real smooth....
The heart of the matter with men like these is that they are just so insecure in their manhood that they feel the need to trash women that are bigger, stronger and faster; physically speaking, better human beings. When your only claim to manliness is physical superiority, what do you do about such women? Proclaim them undesirable. It's sad really.
To the guys that will argue this with me, you're free to be wrong. Just look inside yourself, think real hard and realize that these women aren't unattractive. It's just your little dick again.
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