Did I ever tell you guys about the time I went down on Wonder Woman? Duuuuuuude, let me tell you about this time I went down on Wonder Woman. Remember when I told you about the White woman I was dating that was shaped like Jessica Rabbit? Yeah, she decided on a Wonder Woman costume one year. It wasn't particularly slutty, the girl was just stacked. Bless her heart. Twas a Halloween night, no different from the rest, which means I was getting my drink on. We were in a college town so there was no shortage flesh being flashed around at whatever watering hole I got dragged to, which could have been a problem since my eyes will wander from time to time. Not that night. The nerd and the nigga in me were in full agreement for once and we wanted the Justice League member that we came with. Anyway the night winds down and we get back to my place (sidenote: Having your own place is the shit). We were there for like 5-10 nano seconds and ...
Random Bloggings From a Random Black man.