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Showing posts from June, 2015

Let's get quixotic in here!

I don't remember my first dunk or my last one but I remember my best one like it was yesterday.  It was at the Student Recreation Fitness Center on the 1920 court at the University of Kansas.  It was one of those slow days where the sorority girls were out pre-partying.  The muscle heads had already buffed up and were already spaying on their tans.  The football and basketball teams were in season and all the cool kids were readying their nights out.  Night had fallen on KU's gym and I had the court to myself. This was the downhill of my prime dunking years.  I couldn't get to the court like I could in undergrad but on a nice day where I was rested (rarely), had eaten healthy food (more rarely), and was full of piss and venom (5 days a week), I could still put one down; no ally oop, no set up. On days like this one I would mostly work on my jumper.  People that played with me knew I had something like LeBron's jumper.  When it was on it was a ...