I try to spread love, make people comfortable and be friendly and the like. That being said, let me tell you about what happened Monday. On the way home I passed a police car on the way in to my little neighborhood. When I turned in to my driveway I noticed that he had followed behind me and blocked my driveway as if he didn't want me to leave or something. I did what I always do when cops roll up on me. I ignored his ass and went in the house. Much to my surprise, he let me without a word.
Turns out out that my neighbor's live in son had been kicking his ass and the neighbor asked my wife to call popo if he came back over. The back story is that the old man is OK. For anonymity's sake let's just say his son's name is "My Neighbor Danny". My Neighbor Danny is a prick and his son is the bane of the entire neighborhood.
Long story short, my neighbor Danny went to jail. Which relieved me because I know I was going to end up putting my foot in his ass at some point. Today I got the news that Danny's son was taken by child protective services. Sadly, I have to report that I am ecstatic. Fuck them dudes.
I know, I know I just said I'm a caring and loving hippy but sometimes it be like that. Did I mention that my neighbor Danny's son is 5 years old? I feel like that might be important...
Anyhoo, between celebratory booty dances I kinda feel bad about celebrating the misfortune of those pieces of shit. The old man, who I'm OK with, didn't need his ass whipped and I'm sorry it took this to get rid of what was much more his burden than mine. There's my neighbor Danny who clearly has some deep seeded issues; he and the poor little thieving, smart mouthed asshole that's going to get eaten alive in USD 500 have a long row to hoe in front of them. Also there was apparently some woman living over there that was arrested, too. Some part of me wants them to find peace on this earth... just not on my fucking block.
If they just could have acted like the White folks on TV... Perhaps I'm just being racist. That could be but I doubt it. Is it racist to think that if Black people would act like that they would be dead or in jail in no time? Maybe I'm a little jealous that White people can be degenerate pieces of shit and I have to work my ass off just to live next to them. That is a bitter pill to swallow but for taking that kind of medicine, shouldn't I get to celebrate if my decisions not to choke one of these fucks rewards me with peace and quiet? Yeah. I think so too.
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