I know that most you have no idea what Kwanzaa is so let me say this... Do I look like fucking Google to you? Google that shit and come back. I’ll wait… Now that that’s done, I know a lot of you still don’t see why you should interrupt your binge drinking this week to celebrate this relatively new holiday. Welp, I have come up with a few reasons that we should all dawn our dashikis and get our harambee on. And yes, my non-black friends, this concerns you as well. Black people, niggas haven’t ruined this yet. This isn’t like the first week of the showing for Django. Getting on to Kwanzaa now is like going to see 12 years a slave in the suburbs 4 months after release. It might be some hip White folks there and perhaps some interracial couples but dumb niggas just ain’t coming. Trust me; we lost most of the dumb niggas when I asked them to Google something that lead them to pages with very few booties and a...
Random Bloggings From a Random Black man.