There was once a point in my life that all I ever wanted to be was an average Joe. You know, work at a desk, stare at a computer and drive a nice Honda Civic and shit. But, you see, there was one fatal flaw in that plan. It seems like that sort of thing just isn’t in my nature. I’ve always been a bit of a dreamer and being a nobody just wasn’t going to sit right with me for forever. Don’t get me wrong, I really like having steady income. I especially like the kind of money that I can stack up and spend on the weekends. However, there has always been that part of me that strived for something more. Even going to college was a part of dreaming big for me. That college life I saw on TV didn’t relate to me but I’ve always been a bit of a braniac and if you want to increase your brain power, college is the place to be. So I chased that dream and not long after I finished, I dreamt of more education and so I went back. Call ...
Random Bloggings From a Random Black man.