I figured it out. I did. I know why the tea party and rich white people hate the government. Once again, it all goes back to Star Trek. You see, one particularly strange episode of Star Trek, the Enterprise was above a planet that was all fashioned like a 1920’s mob run city. I mean, everybody was a gangster. They even rocked the fedoras and suits. To make a long story short, the crew didn’t want to interfere with a developing planet (prime directive), so they got dressed as gangsters and infiltrated the planet to keep the whole world from going into gang war turmoil. When all was said and done they all returned to the Enterprise but somebody (Bones I think) dropped his communicator, which meant that the gangster planet might reverse engineer it and develop much faster as a people. Captain Kirk wasn’t too upset because they just kinda violated the prime directive; he was worried because eventually the mob planet might try to...
Random Bloggings From a Random Black man.