People might get from me that I'm not a Christian; and they might be right but only because what people say is Christianity is kinda stupid. Not that Christianity is stupid its just they have gone so far from the original ideas Jesus was putting forth. Me and Jesus are cool. Jesus keeps me loving the idiots of the world instead of going psycho with a shotgun and no, I will not kill myself when surrounded. I play a lot of Left 4 Dead and them zombies better swarm me before I reload. Off topic, I know. Killing people and Jesus doesn't really mix, unless you vote republican in the name of Jesus. If Jesus wanted G.W. Bush to president I guess he doesn't give a shit about Iraqi lives. Seriously, how much callousness could Jesus be down with? Wouldn't Jesus want universal health care from a nation that could clearly afford it? Politicians aren't the only thing that gets between me and Jesus. The pastors of the world also trip me out. ...
Random Bloggings From a Random Black man.