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Sometimes I hate Americans

I love Americans but sometimes, you people make me sick.

The president has recently come out in favor of gay marriage.  While some say he only did so in order to win votes, after the announcement his poll numbers began to slide.
I don’t know why people take such serious interest in things that have nothing to do with their lives but it seems that homosexuality is still a big deal in America.  There is all this talk about the sanctity of marriage but in a country where nearly half of all marriages are projected to fail, is that really a valid argument at this point?  I think not. 

I really don’t understand the whole ruckus.  I know that some people believe that God frowns upon homosexuality but that seriously isn’t a government issue.  The president isn’t supposed to be a proponent of God’s message and neither is the legislature.  That is the preacher’s job.  The government has an obligation to maintain fairness for its constituency and that means allowing people to be married.
There are those that say that allowing gay marriages would “change the definition of marriage”.  My question is, who the fuck defined marriage?  Was it one of those churches that didn’t allow the races to mix or was it one of those guys that said women had to follow the rule of their husbands at all cost?  Side note, my favorite of all the stupid marriage rules is when it is considered sodomy if sex isn’t in the missionary position.  How the hell did we learn to accept marriage as a man a woman making each other miserable and having boring sex?

I have a real problem getting riled up about things that don’t have anything to do with me.  That is, until I feel the need to put a stop to insanity.  That is what this whole gay marriage debate has done.
I remember going on a Black Greek retreat (to Southern Methodist University of all places) and as an exercise, the moderator asked a group of people questions and depending on your answer, you would walk to one side or another.  One question was “Would it bother you if a gay person joined your organization?”  The split was around the 70/30 mark.  Being that these were Black college students, that wasn’t surprising.  Black people, especially those in the church, have a history of homophobia.  I found myself siding with the minority, stating that it wouldn’t bother me.  As the groups were separating ,one of the guys from my school, but in a different organization, muttered “You better explain this one.”  I chuckled because I was confident in the fact that nobody thought I was gay and was gaining a reputation as a tough guy because of my fraternity.  When the moderator asked for volunteers to explain his/her position I didn’t hesitate.  I said that we were a community service organization and chasing women is not in our bylaws.  When it comes down to it, we need people that are willing to get their hands dirty.  What they do with their personal time is their own business.  The rebuttals didn’t refute my assertion but reflected the fact that so many people were uncomfortable being around homosexuals.

My response is, that’s a personal problem.  Get over it.  We cannot punish other people because of irrational fears.
Speaking of irrational fears, there are people that actually think that God is going to destroy America because we won’t stamp out homosexuality.  They are afraid that we will become a modern day Sodom or Gomorrah.

Now, I’m not going to say God did or didn’t actually burn down a town full of lustful gay gluttons.  I’m not old enough to have eye witness testimony for that incident.  Perhaps he really did get tired of the sound of anal sex (because there was little room for lesbianism back then) or, maybe it was started by a cow like the great Chicago fire.  What I will say is, that shit isn’t going to happen again.  You heard it here first.  God is not going to burn down America.  I mean, Rick Santorum might, but that won’t be an act of God but the act of a man that convinced himself that he was God’s messenger. 
If God is going to beef with Americans it would probably be over the constant war mongering and indifference to suffering foreign and domestic.  As far as sins go, we have a long list to go through before we start debating whether or not homosexuality is an issue.
I don’t even know why this is still a big deal.  I’m not even gay and I still have to defend the right of people to have human feelings toward one another.
America, please get off your high horse and stop trying to tell people how to please God.  You’d think two people committing to love each other until death might make God happy.  Apparently that doesn’t make sense to some of us.  If you really think that there is something wrong with homosexuality here is what you should do.  Don’t be gay.  That’s it.  That is your job in combating homosexuality.  Then go mind your own marriage because there is apparently a 50/50 chance that it’s headed for disaster.


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