So I have this friend that proceeded to tell me that a black
woman out with a white guy was evidence of the brainwashing done by America and
proof of the pending downfall of the black race.
Mind you, this same friend had tried to talk to a white
woman driving by us not 5 minutes before hand.
He also tried to talk to a white woman at the grocery store and also
proceeded to tell me that a white woman on PBS had “A perfect booty”.
Now, I know that life is full of contradictions but if you
are going to see some harm in interracial dating, you should probably be able
to see the same harm in interracial casual sex.
Casual sex and dating might not be the same thing, but they are
extremely close.
The real reason that the incidents of that day bother me is
that I’m sure that the black woman and the white man heard my friend talking
about them. I wanted to tell them that
they were OK. I wanted to tell them that
we are all free to enjoy our lives with whoever we want but instead, I said
nothing, making me guilty by association.
I remanded my friend later but I’m sure that didn’t bring
that couple any comfort. For that, I’m
guilty. Why is it that when people
around me are acting a fool, I never stop them?
I even shy away from correcting white people when they’re clearly being
racist. Even when race isn’t a factor,
I’m often slow in putting people in line when I know I can and should before
things get out of hand. Good friends don’t
always make people happy. It is the job
of your friends to keep you on your Ps and Qs and I have to try an remember
that more often.
I hope that my friend and I didn’t ruin those peoples’
day. Even more, I hope that they haven’t
learned to deal with that sort of shit. Even
more, I hope that I haven’t learned to let people slide on that shit
either. That sort of thing needs to be
stomped out immediately. The next time I
hear it, or see it, I have to say something.
I have to speak out when I see wrong being done. And you should too…
Stomping out racism is everyone’s job and there is no better
time to stamp out a fire than when it is just a spark. If you are going to be someone’s friend, you
have to correct them at the moment they go wrong. Isn’t that what friendship is all about?
Yes :)