Let's talk about this nigga: For those of you that live under a rock, this nigga shot and killed a news woman and her cameraman on live TV. Was it fucked up? Very. Will I find reason to defend his actions? Fuck, no. That being said, there are a few things that we have missed that need to be addressed. Additionally, I won't even put these lost lives on the many of you that argue against gun control. You don't have an argument, so why fucking argue? Okay. This nigga broke three unwritten American rules: First: He's supposed to be jolly. Everybody knows that overweight niggas on TV gots to be jolly and/or linemen. This nigga took his job of not shucking, jiving or pushing other fat Black men around too seriously and ended up in HR several times for not licking boots and false starting. You see, it is being widely reported that this man had issues at the station with co-workers. He was hostile and stand-offish which ma...
Random Bloggings From a Random Black man.