Anyhoo, later in the day, before I went the bed I did a little channel surfing and lo and behold who did I see? Chris fucking Brown on Jimmy Fallon. Somehow we all seemed to have forgotten the fact that this dude beat the shit out of Rhianna. This wasn’t just some girl with a bloody swollen face. This wasn’t a groupie or some chick that got lippy in the line at Burger King. This was Rhianna! She was a beautiful young woman with a great career in a high profile relationship with this dude and there she was, looking like Rodney King. What was almost worse than the bruises on her face was the look of shame she had in the photos. It was the look of defeat. I know Rhianna has claimed to have moved on but here’s the thing. Abused/abuser dynamics are a situation most of us do not understand fully. What I do know is that the abused often stay because they feel so devalued that maybe they can’t see a better situation so it is up to all...
Random Bloggings From a Random Black man.